Thursday 29 October 2015


Ex-Intel Family Members Tell All About the Secret Space Program

by Dave Hodges | October 22, 2015 5:08 am
space shuttle[2]
I have been overwhelmed by the quality of the responses that I have received in regard to my revelations about my father’s work. I am shocked about the commonalities that have been communicated to me. Here are some examples of the responses that my series on the secret space program, borne out of Nazi technology, has generated.
After reading the following accounts, there can be no question that we have a secret, military controlled space program and that their activities extend far above and beyond our primitive ventures into space using booster rocket fuel.

Vance Davis

Vance Davis[3]
Vance Davis
Vance Davis, former NSA operative, and I became friends after I contacted following an interview he did with Art Bell in 1993. I was certain that he knew my father, but later I found out he did not. However, Vance, who was living in Mesa, AZ., at the time, and I became good friends and he revealed much more than he revealed in his e-book, Unbroken Promises.

During my many conversations with Vance, he revealed that part of his NSA indoctrination involved being taught that there is a war going on between good and evil in the cosmos. This war eventually came to earth and manifested itself in the forms we see today. The “evil” side seeks to separate humanity from its collective souls. This is not a misprint. Vance was quite explicit. There are forces that wanted to separate the soul from humanity. Before you click out and move on to the next article, you may wish to consider that Vance’s words are validated 23 years later. Ask yourself, what else, in our present world, seeks to separate mankind from its soul? The answer is the Frankenstein science we call Transhumanism. Transhumanism seeks to morph human beings from their present form into some kind of eternal monster who will be served by the human slaves who left alive to serve the every whim of the Transhumanist elite. 

If Vance did not possess insider knowledge, ask yourself, who was speaking about Transhumanism almost a quarter of a century ago? Only the very few who understood what I am writing here, knew about Transhumanism that many years ago.
Vance told me of a secret space program which not only developed Nazis technology into modern day applications he told me about how this “working group” was also seeking ancient technology left on this planet over 25,ooo years ago. In part four, I will reveal more about this revelation.

Full article at: Blogger

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