Sunday 25 September 2016


The End Times Forecaster

Posted: 24 Sep 2016 03:51 PM PDT
RT news image
A watch was issued for 9/23/16. Here is the conclusion to that watch post.
…Thus in light of all of this here are some possible scenarios.
1. On 9/22/16 the antichrist birthing ritual/destruction of the Hoover dam will occur. A year and a day later the sign of the woman clothed with the sun will occur and the antichrist will “come on the scene.” Note: A reader left a comment that the day that the Tomorrowland movie came out—5/22/15—Nevada experienced a 5.4 earthquake. Also remember 5/22/15 to 9/23/16 is exactly 490 days or 70 weeks.
2. On 9/22/16 no major event will occur except the ending of the New World Order Religious conference and maybe a minor foreshadowing event/announcement will occur. Then on 9/23/17 the destruction of the Hoover dam will occur, which will shortly be followed by the coming onto the scene of the antichrist.
3. On 9/22/16 no major event will occur except the closing of the New World Order Religious conference and maybe a minor foreshadowing event/announcement will occur. On a date between now and 9/23/17 the destruction of the Hoover dam will occur, which will shortly be followed by the coming onto the scene of the antichrist.
So what is it going to be; scenario 1, 2, or 3, or something else altogether? As always time will tell. Please share in the comments if you have any information to add. But regardless of what happens on 9/22-23/16 a monumental event of extreme prophetic significance will occur on 9/23/17—the sign of the woman clothed with the sun.

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