Friday 11 November 2016


YAY! Clinton Lost!
You undoubtedly feel the same sense of relief that I do. The most vile politician in recent memory did not find her way into the Oval Office.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean that her opponent was a good choice for president. It just means that we won’t cringe quite so much when we hear his name attached to the words ‘President of the United States’.
Furthermore, I hope that you will understand when I caution you against euphoria over the outcome of this election. Judgment is coming, for our sins are great.

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YAY! Clinton Lost!

I spent the election and its immediate aftermath in Hualien, a city on the eastern side of Taiwan. Taking the train from Taipei through the green hills of this beautiful country… well …it’s always a visual feast. It really puts the verd in verdant – if you know what I mean.
Now, I didn’t ‘escape’ to Hualien because of the election. No, my wife and I were invited by friends who are recent transplants from America. They were ‘voting with their feet’, leaving the increasingly precarious existence of America for the far safer shores of Taiwan.
I honestly love Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, so I’m a bit biased about the benefits of choosing this island as a ‘bug-out location’. God called this American couple to Taiwan, and I pray that the Lord uses this brother and sister in Christ.
Whatever you choose to do, in response to the catastrophes that are rolling down upon us, make sure that serving God is your highest priority. We can only be truly safe by serving God with every bit of effort that we have.
But, even in Hualien, I was unable to escape the reach of the Internet. I was still able to check the election results, and every Taiwanese news channel had live updates on the US election.
That foul woman lost.
What a relief.

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