Monday 22 May 2017

There will be Tribulation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So people that are looking into the question,pre or post tribulation rapture?Well let's just say that it's a pretty even split and it's good to be hopeful for a per-rapture but that would just be too easy,even for the most disciplined Christian,every single man,woman and child,will be tested on faith,well the children up to a certain age are innocent of course.Jesus died for us,now it's our turn and I guarantee our deaths,although possibly terrifying say maybe seeing a giant wall of water coming your way or churned into the earth by a liquefied crust from a 12 point 20 min earthquake or subject to nuclear attack,none of it compares to being crucified,except starving to death which is the worst way to die.In the states we've always had a surplus of food,fresh water,that's all gonna change I believe by the end of the first month in 2018 but something could easily trigger pandemonium and when that happens the food will get looted in one day and nite and that's it,supplies wont be coming back,power outage or leaked information could do it and...We've got this approaching solar system entering ours,not good,this has got to be what the bible refers to as WORMWOOD>I believe that this will be the last somewhat of a normal summer but its already marred with so much murder.This thing with the garbage problem in ROME,I believe this is where a black plague type virus will start up and spread,makes sense with all the infestation of rats and the roman catholic church being misled by the pope who has got to be the false profit,whats bugging me is who will be anti-Christ?Alexis Tsiparis of Greece?Juan Carlos of Spain?Vladimir Putin of Russia?He is the most powerful man of this time and heres something that might surprise,he's also the second richest man or right there with a few others behind Bill Gates at a net-worth of 70 billion.Where and how did he? And possibly this Turkish leader,cant remember his name..We are the mystery Babylon and I believe we will take the hardest blows first,we owe having been so gluttonous and sexually immoral,Capitalistic narcissistic arrogants that we are we will pay the price,I am an American and there's a ;lot worst places,we used to hold christian values then we started letting outsiders come in cry for their religious equality.Grey area there but the fact is our country,our class rooms where we used to have christian values,we gave in,why?Some verses in revaluations about the woman with birth pains on the red dragon,stars will line up in Virgo to form exactly what the bible has said in the stars,September 23rd,prepare for an event with supplies and what not,read your bible and be as helpful to others as possible,take care...

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