Wednesday 11 July 2018

"The Terrorists Whose Names Must Not Be Mentioned" - And - "Gaza And Iran: One And The Same"!!

The Terrorists Whose Names Must Not Be Mentioned

Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, is one of the best-known killers in American history. Yet two major television networks recently broadcast segments about the Kennedy assassination without mentioning his name at all. What gives?
On June 5, 1968, Sirhan, a Palestinian Arab with Jordanian citizenship, shot the senator four times at point-blank range in a Los Angeles hotel. There has never been any dispute regarding Sirhan's motive. In multiple interviews afterwards, he said he did it because Kennedy was pro-Israel.

Gaza And Iran: One And The Same

Suddenly, everyone feels sorry for Gaza.

Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman recently said, "Enough with all the delusions and illusions that improving the economic situation will put an end to terror." Instead, he said, the economic situation is doing the exact opposite, as evidenced by the deal with Cyprus to build a seaport there for Gazans.
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Gaza And Iran: One And The Same

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