Sunday 14 December 2014


NEW Rapture Forums Newsletter for 12/13/2014 -- Updated articles and commentary. unsubscribe | view online
Rapture Forums Newsletter
Rapture Forums
Welcome to the Rapture Forums Newsletter for 12/13/20149
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Here is the latest Rapture Forums Newsletter for your reading pleasure. As always, please feel free to forward these emails to all your friends and family as well as to anyone else you think might enjoy them.
 The Latest Bible Study and Featured Commentary
This is a partial list of recently added article to Rapture Forums for the week. Please view the complete list by clicking here
Generation Z --- click here for more...
Away From the Manger --- click here for more...
Almost Is Not Enough --- click here for more...
I Don't Believe in Atheists-Neither Does God! --- click here for more...
Top 'Gays in the Military' Activist Charged With Forcible Sodomy --- click here for more...
Christmas, Just Believe --- click here for more...
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy --- click here for more...
The End Times Sign of Earthquakes: From the Temple to Today --- click here for more...
The End Times Sign of Earthquakes: The Three Questions --- click here for more...
Beheading and Raping the Faithful --- click here for more...
Turkey, Friend or Foe? --- click here for more...
Imam Joe Biden Schools an Infidel --- click here for more...
Life in Post-Truth America --- click here for more...
Islam Is The Religion of Homosexuality and Pedophilia --- click here for more...
Islamic State (ISIS) Releases Pamphlet On Female Slaves --- click here for more...
You have little Choice and little time left! --- click here for more...
The Forgotten Promises of Christmas --- click here for more...
Arab Culture & the Arab-Israeli Conflict --- click here for more...
Russia, Iran, and the End Times --- click here for more...
Atheists and the Afterlife --- click here for more...
When Was Jesus Born? --- click here for more...
The Presbyterian Church USA's Terrorist Ties --- click here for more...
Ten Ways the Mafia and Islam Are Similar --- click here for more...
Biden Spins Fantasies, Middle East Heats Up --- click here for more...
Obama's Christmas Gift to ISIS and Al Qaeda --- click here for more...
Pope Pushes Prophetic Timetable Ahead - Prophecy Waits for No Man --- click here for more...
Winds of War -- click here for more...
A Different Perspective on the Nativity --- click here for more...
Islam: Built on the Blood of (Christian Child) Martyrs --- click here for more...
A Victory For the Ruling Clerics --- click here for more...
Netanyahu Springs his Trap --- click here for more...
What Israeli Elections Mean for Obama --- click here for more...
The Plan of Salvation
If you or someone you know needs to be saved. Please click the link below for the Plan of Salvation: Obtaining Salvation and Eternal Life
Please Donate to Rapture Forums
Rapture Forums is currently experiencing continued growth and we have in fact become one of the largest Bible prophecy ministries on the Internet. We are currently serving visitors from over 200 countries and territories in the world. We are clearly fulfilling the Great Commission of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. However, we do have expenses like every other ministry and therefore we need your help to continue moving forward. If you are being served by this ministry, please prayerfully consider your part in our ministry. Please consider making a single donation or a monthly recurring donation to help Rapture Forums grow and continue to spread the Good News that the Lord Jesus Christ is returning soon!! To donate simply click the following link: Donate to Rapture Forums
Thank You For Being A Part of Rapture Forums!
We hope you have enjoyed this edition of Rapture Forums Newsletter. We have enjoyed watching for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ with you!! 
As always, keep looking up, our redemption is drawing nigh!
God bless you all!
Chris Schang
Rapture Forums
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