Monday, 2 February 2015


Muslims Are Working To Control All Of Eastern Europe, To Restore A One World Islamic Empire

By Theodore Shoebat
Both ISIS and Turkey are working with Albanian Muslims in Kosovo to establish an Islamic state the Balkans, and ultimately in all of Eastern Europe. Turkey is doing this with the ultimate intention of eventually controlling the Balkans in its efforts to revive the Ottoman Empire.
While the media is making the current riots and protests in Kosovo as just a secular nationalist cause, once we look below the surface, what we find is that these upheavals and revolts are of the same nature as the revolutions in Syria and Egypt.
We conducted an exclusive interview with Lazar, a Serbian Special Forces veteran, on this entire situation that all Christians must focus on. We did a whole video with footage and photos proving that the protests in Kosovo are truly Islamic:
Make no mistake about it: the current upheavals that have been happening are not peaceful protests, they are part of a wider jihadist movement, that want to create an Islamic state in the Balkans. The media has been currently silent about this current situation, just as they were silent about the Islamic connections of the Egyptian and Syrian revolutions when they first began.
We are going to see Turkey capitalizing on the Jihadist sentiments of Islamists in the Balkans, using them to help restore Turkish power in the region. Russia will eventually get involved since the Russian government must control that region in order to keep Turkey in check.
Serbia and Greece are the Israel of the Balkans: as Israel balances out the Middle East and keeps the Muslim nations in check, Serbia and Greece keep the Muslims of the Balkans in control. If Turkey wants to dominate the Balkans, it is going to have to inculcate its power over Serbia and Greece; this is why Russia is so important because it will prevent this from happening.
Islamic violence will spread from Kosovo and it will spill over into Serbia, and then eventually into Macedonia, Montenegro, and then into Greece. All of this violence and chaos will stir the Eastern Orthodox nations to form a single Eastern Orthodox confederacy that will be headed by Russia.
This Christian confederacy will truly be a revival of the Christian Byzantine Empire, only this time its power will not be in Greece (as it was in ancient times) but it will be transferred into Russia. The new Christian confederacy will be here to fight against the Islamic confederacy that will be headed by Turkey.
It will truly be a holy war, a Crusade — the New Crusade — and it will lead to the establishment of Christendom, and it will be ruled by Jesus Christ.

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