Burning, destroying, and killing is what Boko Haram does. It's all because they want jobs...
Nigerian Christians are being slaughtered by Boko Haram and according to
Bishop Emmanuel Badejo, the Obama administration would be willing to help protect them only if they are willing to change a few beliefs they hold.
"The United States actually said it would help Nigeria with Boko Haram only if we modify our laws concerning homosexuality, family planning, and birth control."
There is no other way to describe this than tragically sad. Boko Haram - an Islamic group - that, like many of its kind, uses violence and death to instill fear into groups who oppose them. To oppose them simply means not being Islamic.
So it is that Christians in parts of Northern Africa are being killed in groups and in other areas of that part of the world, ISIS continues to behead Coptic Christians. No help is forthcoming from the United States or any other nation it would appear.
This tragedy continues unabated while President Obama joins with Islam to hold Christians hostage over a set of beliefs. While he is pointing the finger at Christians who often hold that homosexuality is in opposition to the way God would us live, Islamic nations themselves continue to flagrantly deny civil rights to gays and women. In many cases in these countries, gays are either hung from the end of the nearest crane or simply tossed off the roof of a building to their deaths. If the fall doesn't kill them, then stoning them will finish the job.
This type of duplicity evidenced by the current administration seems to know no bounds. Bishop Badejo also believes part of the reason for the lack of help is due to his belief that Boko Haram (and other Islamic terrorist groups) is being used to help bring down the world's population.
Could this be why homosexuality is being pushed so hard as well as "family planning" methods like the kind pushed by Planned Parenthood (mainly abortion on demand)? If we consider the fact that gay couples cannot (of themselves) bring new children into the world. Normally, they choose to adopt if they have children, though some will find someone who will become impregnated and carry the child to term, but this is rare. By and large, gay couples adopt, therefore no new children add to the world's current population of over 7 billion.
Abortion on demand also works to reduce the world's population, something it is believed that Globalists want to control. China is good to go since married couples are only allowed to have one child, but the rest of the world - especially in nations where Catholicism is the main religion and birth control is really not allowed - is not on that page. In that case, efforts have to be made to curtail and reduce the world's population.
According to those who believe in conspiracy theories, Globalists have somehow figured out that this world can sustain around 500 million people for an indeterminate length of time. If that's the case (and who knows?), then Globalists need to get cracking!
Then again, in spite of all the wars, pestilences, diseases, and other natural disasters throughout history, the fact that the world currently has a population exceeding 7 billion is very interesting, isn't it? Add to that the fact that 150,000 people die every day and yet, we still have that many is astounding.
But Bishop Badejo is not the only person who has accused the Obama administration of attempting to blackmail Nigeria into doing things the Obama way in exchange for help against Boko Haram. "In August 2014, then U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman(R-TX) made a similar charge to Bishop Badejo’s, saying the Obama administration was withholding aid to Nigeria in the fight against Boko Haram in part over Nigeria’s 'social policy'.”
Of course, the U.S. State Department promptly denied the allegations, but what we are seeing is Boko Haram essentially continuing their war on Christians and the Obama administration doing nothing at all to chase Boko Haram out of the area. In reality, it would appear that President Obama is too busy playing interference for Islam in general even going so far as to call into question what was done by the church a thousand years or so ago.
Many like to believe that President Obama is a closet Muslim. I'm not so sure and in reality, it actually does not matter. What is important to know is that he is in fact, sold out to the Globalists who put him in office. That means, that President Obama has a much higher calling than simply being a run of the mill Muslim. I firmly believe that President Obama is part of the New Age that believes in a mystical Christianity as well as a mystical Islam.

You may have heard about Manly Hall, who wrote some esoteric books in 1928. One of this books - "
The Secret Teachings of All Ages" - is filled with mystical views of the main religions. What is interesting is how Hall portrays both Jesus and Muhammad in his writings, as though he had some mystical insight that fails us today.
Of course, what we fail to realize is that, as far as these mystical writings are concerned (and others like them by other people like Alice Bailey, etc.), is that there is always - ALWAYS - a "secret doctrine" that escapes notice by the average individual. This secret doctrine (or "knowledge; gnosis") is something that must be chased with all one's heart in order to find.
The secret doctrine is something that is said to bind all religious ideologies together in a true mystical union and this secret is a reflection of the perfect essence of all thought in the spiritual realm. Of course, what we learn as we get deeper into it is that it is really a spiritual type of socialism or communism, where the individual doesn't matter. What matters is the spiritual "collective" because that's where all secret doctrine is said to lead.
If this is true, then does it really matter if 21 Coptic Christians are beheaded by ISIS or that 45 other Christians were burned to death? No, it doesn't matter. In the end, all things will work themselves out and all will take their place in the great spiritual collective that is the next life. At that point, all things will become clear.
In the here and now, Christians are being killed by Islamic forces because it helps the Globalists' cause to reduce the population on the earth and helps bring them closer to ruling the world.
People like President Obama share something in common with a man who will one day, walk onto the world's stage and somehow, bring peace to the Middle East. The thing they share is that they all believe they will be part of the great spiritual collective that will rule the universe one day. Of course, it's all a lie that is used to snare people so that through them, demonic entities and even Satan himself will have more sway over the world.
Remember the Flood? God wiped out everyone except Noah and his family. Eight people in total are all that remained of humanity after the flood. Because of it Satan had to start all over again. In fact, with every new generation he has to start over to some degree. It must get tiring, but he perseveres because he can do nothing else.
He works hard, waiting for that nod from God that says this is the generation when the man of sin will be allowed to do what has been foretold of him. In the meantime, the world must become more evil as time goes on.
We are seeing that evil. We are living that evil. It has grown into quite a darkness that we may be on the cusp of something extremely auspicious, unprecedented, but predicted through God's Word. The world may be coming together to meet and greet the man who will be infilled to overflowing with the power of Satan himself.
In the meantime, let's remember why we're here. We need to continue to evangelize the lost. This is what God expects from us and will empower us to accomplish.
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