Friday, 27 February 2015


New post on Now The End Begins

The Unchecked Advancement Of ISIS To Becoming Middle East Powerhouse (VIDEO)

by Geoffrey Grider

In June of 2014, the CIA estimated that ISIS had 4,000 fighters in Iraq. By September, that estimate was upped to between 20,000 and 31,500 militant Muslim jihadists.

Other countries have estimated that has actually has around 200,000 fighters in the region. These arestunning numbers when you consider that President Obama in January of 2014 referred to ISIS as the "JV Team" that wasn't even worthy of his attention.
January 2014, President Obama tells the New Yorkermagazine’s David Remnick that ISIS, which was then still considered a part of al Qaeda, fighting in Syriawas like a JV basketball team. Obama said quote,‘The analogy we use around here sometimes and is accurate is if a JV team puts on Laker uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant."
The "easy out" is to say that Obama "misjudged" the true threat that ISIS actually posed to the Middle East, but that would not be accurate. Obama is not a stupid man, neither is he incompetent, on the contrary he is quite adept at the job he is in the White House to do. That job being the betraying of America and the ushering in a new Sharia state in it's place.
Barack Hussein Obama knew exactly what he was saying when he called ISIS the "JV Team", he did it intentionally to take them out of the spotlight so they had time and space to grow and organize. Read our excellent article here on the possibility that ISIS is a creation of Obama himself after the takeover of Egypt by the White House funded Muslim Brotherhood failed.
Geoffrey Grider | February 26, 2015 at 12:16 pm | Tags: ISIS,JV Teamobama | Categories: Headline NewsISIS | URL:

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