Why The First Seal CANNOT Be Antichrist

For many years, the classic evangelical interpretation of the first seal opened in Revelation – the Rider of the White Horse – is that it’s the Antichrist. It is said he comes at the beginning of a seven-year tribulation before which all the Church is taken out of the world by the Rapture.
This bedrock teaching has hardly ever been challenged in the modern day, except perhaps by those who see the first seal as Jesus Christ, or as a metaphor for a historic event.
Let’s deal with this first theory, which began to be taught from around 150 AD. The white horse rider cannot be Jesus Christ, because He is seen in Heaven when the four riders are sent forth (and the living creatures do not command Jesus Christ but the other way round.)
To say that the first rider is Jesus Christ is inconsistent with the nature of all four horsemen, who are spirit beings causing chaos on Earth. They cause a series of preparatory disasters and judgements, leading to mankind’s yearning for a new messiah.
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