What a joke. Congress, the federal government, the White House, all of it a joke. I'm obviously not talking about those particular individuals who stayed, stood, and saluted (through applause) PM Netanyahu's speech to Congress, in which he warned of Iran's nuclear intentions. I'm referring to those crybabies who stormed out, turned their back, and generally acted like petulant children in response, not only to Netanyahu's presence before America's Congress, but to his speech as well.

Nancy Pelosi had the gall to say how offended she was that Netanyahu could insult the American people as he did. In reality, the only people he offended are those who hate Jews and/or Israel. In his book "Technocracy Rising," by Patrick M. Wood, he noted that we learn the truth about politicians when we see what they do in spite of what they actually say (my paraphrase). In this case, we have people like Pelosi telling us how supportive of Israel America is, yet in reality, we watch as President Obama treats Netanyahu with complete and utter disdain, members of the black caucus (what IS that and WHY is its presence not considered racist?) either turn their backs or walk out during his speech, and behind our backs we learn that President Obama threatened Israel by saying he would order their jets be shot out of the air if they attacked Iran. This is where the real truth lies. It's not in words, but seen in actions.
This is a clear case of how "technocracy" works in America and the world. We are constantly being lied to by members of the federal government and we know they are lies by the very things they do. With Israel and her representatives, this comes into clear focus if we are willing to pay close attention to the actions of those who say they support Israel.
The Bible of course, has some very cogent points to make with respect to Israel during what is known as the "last days." These last or final days (referring to human history prior to the second coming of Jesus) began with Christ's first advent. His first coming signaled the beginning of the last days. Two thousand years later, we are obviously closer to the time when He will return to this earth (physically) and will reign from his earthly father, David's throne for 1,000 years over the nation of Israel and the rest of the world.
To that end, we need only look to see what the Bible tells us. First, we learn in Zechariah 12:2-3 the following:
“Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it."
When Zechariah stated that "all the nations of the earth will gather against [Israel]," I believe that included the United States. We will either be completely powerless to stand with Israel or our leaders governing at the time when Israel comes under vicious attack will have no inclination to stand with her. In either case, it is very clear from the Bible that until Jesus returns, Israel will become a greater burden around the necks of the nations who attempt to do away with her. It won't matter if it's a direct assault by Iran or a lack of concern to stop that assault by nations like America.
In his speech, whether intentionally or not, Netanyahu made reference to this situation for Israel. He stated, "as PM of Israel, I can promise you one more thing. Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand. But I know that Israel does not stand alone, I know that America stands with Israel, I know that you stand with Israel.”
You can watch the video below which highlights the full speech to Congress.
Israel will stand. The truth of the matter though is that Israel has never been alone. While Jews who reject Jesus as Messiah go into eternity without the salvation that Jesus provides, God stands with the nation of Israel. It is His land. The Jews - as a group and culture - are His people. Will all of them be saved? No. There is no special dispensation that allows Jews to bypass Jesus and His salvation (something that is falsely taught by numerous pastors today). All have sinned (Jew and Gentile) and have fallen short of God's glory (cf. Romans 3:23). All need Jesus (both Jew and Gentile).
But it is clear from Scripture that God defends Israel even though at times, He has (and will) use nations to come against her as His arm of judgment. In Ezekiel 38-39 we read of what the Bible describes as a "northern invasion" featuring a leader the Bible refers to as "gog" who governs the land of "magog." While scholars and students of the Bible disagree on who this leader might be and even whether he comes from Turkey or Russia, the real point is that God uses this "gog" to bring together other nations who will attempt to destroy Israel. This particular section of Scripture has not physically taken place yet. Just like the complete and prophesied destruction of Damascus, events like this are still yet future.
There will come a day when the leader gog will bring his forces together and challenge Israel. According to Ezekiel, before Israel can even raise a finger to help themselves, God does it. First with a huge earthquake and then sets soldiers against soldiers, and finally, with fire and brimstone.
God still has plans for Israel, though too many deny the plain teaching of Scripture today. For an interesting timeline and view of how things are shaping up in the Middle East with respect to Israel and the potential danger from Iran, you may wish to read this short
article on the subject, by Daymond Duck.
Things are certainly building toward a climax. Israel - the nation that gave us the Redeemer - has always been in Satan's cross hairs. He has used numerous nations and empires in the past to take down Jerusalem and Israel. This was all allowed by God Himself for His own purposes.
It's no different today when we will see a growing anti-Semitism culminate in an attempt to destroy Israel once and for all. This may well be the Gog/Magog Northern Invasion spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel.
If it happens prior to the coming Tribulation (which I believe will be the case), then it's very possible that the earthquake God sends in defense of Israel would easily destroy the mosques that currently sit on the Temple Mount. Once these are demolished by God's hand, it would be easy for Jews to rebuild a temple and restart the sacrifices. Would God be honored? No, opening the eyes of the Jewish people seems to be a process in Scripture. They will come to the point of realizing that they have been completely duped (2 Thessalonians 2).
It could very well be this coming northern invasion that causes the world to (outwardly) show some respect for Israel too and becomes the impetus the world needs to enter into some form of peace with Israel and the surrounding Arab nations (Daniel 9:27).
Certainly, we'll see what actually happens, but we know that the world continues to hate Israel with a growing intensity and unless God steps in, the world seems willing to allow Iran to have its way with nuclear armaments in order to take down the apple of God's eye.
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