Monday 5 October 2015


As I strongly suggested in my last email, that Friday, Oct. 2nd, would probably be  our 40--Day Warning day, indeed it appears to be turning out to be just that.  Are you ready for this?  The meaning of Hurricane Joaquin is RAISED BY YAHWEH!!!!!!!  Here is what the weather experts are saying about this Level 4 hurricane, and the resulting flooding in the U.S.:
HISTORIC Flooding event of BIBLICAL proportions!
Unprecedented rainfall!
Life-threatening flooding.  As of Friday, at least two deaths have been confirmed.
Millions upon millions of people have been evacuated, and at least 5 states have called a "state of emergency".  This number of states will probably rise.
One of the possibilities that I listed in my last email, for a possible 40-Day Warning, was a natural disaster, and I said that it would probably be in the United States, because that is where we are expecting the nuclear disaster to be.
Some places are now expecting from 12 to 20 inches of rain, in places where there is no more room for any water. 
With these ominous predictions for what they believe is going to take place this weekend, and with the name "Joaquin" meaning "RAISED BY JEHOVAH", I believe many of you will agree with me, at least by the end of this weekend, that WE WILL HAVE RECEIVED OUR 40--DAY WARNING, with HURRICANE JOAQUIN, WHICH WAS RAISED UP BY OUR GOD!!!
Here is a short excerpt from an email that I received today from another watcher, regarding the name of this hurricane, which is causing the widespread FLOODING in the U.S.:
"I definitely consider Hurricane Joaquin, and the resulting Floods, to be the 40-day warning!  It fits perfectly. 120 days prior to 11/11, we had the Iran Nuclear Deal announcement made, before the Nuclear Judgment hits the U.S….40 days prior to 11/11, we have a huge warning of a natural disaster of floods on its way!

Regarding Hurricane Joaquin…the Latin is Joakim (very similar). You have to study languages to see the similarity, and I do.  In ancient Hebrew times, King Jehoiakim was an evil pervert.  Fast forward to now. God gave an evil pervert as 'king' (Obama) over a people who deserved no better (the people of the U.S). Then, the SUDDEN DESTRUCTION will come upon the U.S.  History repeats itself, and should be a warning to us. This is why repentance is so necessary. Don't forget, the time period of Jehoiakim is the very same as the time of Prophet Jeremiah, who ranted against the evils in Jerusalem of that time. There was no repentance, and Jerusalem was destroyed.
This FORTY-DAY WARNING is quite huge. There will be NO repentence this time either.  Few will see it…mainly thinking of battening down the hatches. or evacuating to other places." (end of email)

The world, and especially the United States, now awaits their Sudden Destruction, 40 days from Oct 2nd--3rd, on the 17th Day of the 2nd Month, historically God's Great Judgment Day.  This year, because of God's miraculous wind and sand storm (as in the Days of Jonah, who also provided another 40-Day Warning to the people of Ninevah), the 17th Day of the 2nd month, of this JUBILEE YEAR, IS ON ELEVEN ELEVEN.
When I wrote my last email, I had no idea that there was even a hurricane approaching the U.S.  When I suggested a possible 40-Day Warning could be a natural disaster striking the U.S., I was thinking more of a cataclysmic earthquake, or tsunami.
But there are so very many parallels of the Days of Noah, to these very last Days in which we are now living in, as the Word tells us there will be.  It certainly appears that our God is giving us a 40--Day Warning of FLOODS, as one of those parallels.  We should not be surprised.  Nor should we be surprised that the meaning of Joaquin is RAISED BY YAHWEH.
Another parallel that I see is this missing ship in the eye of the Hurricane, with the sudden disappearance of many people.  I believe that God is reminding us, not only of His Soon-Coming Great Judgment, but also that there is going to be another SUDDEN DISAPPEARNCE of a multitude of people in the Rapture of the Bride, and that it will take place, even as the Sudden Destruction is taking place on this earth.   
By the end of this weekend, we should be able to say that Hurricane Joaquin was indeed RAISED UP BY OUR GOD, YAHWEH, and that this is a sign of His impending Judgment upon this world, most likely a 40--Day Warning before His next Great Judgment on 11/11/15!!!  As in the Days of Noah, God has chosen once again to use FLOODS! 
But as in the Days of Noah, God provided a way of ESCAPE for the righteous people at the same time as the Sudden Destruction.  We have every reason to believe He will do the same this time.  Keep praying to be accounted worthy (Luke 21:34--36), by our Lord Jesus Christ, so that you can be part of the Bride of Christ.  JESUS is our only Hope.  He is our Blessed Hope!    
Ron Reese

                          INVASION OF ISRAEL, IN EZEKIEL 38--39!!!
Below are TWO eye-opening, ominous, and thorough accounts, of just what the real meaning of Russia's recent move into Syria is.  All of this recent Russian military activity is a prelude and preparation for the Battle of Gog and Magog, in Ezekiel 38--39, where Russia, Iran, and their allies make their ill-fated attempt to invade Israel.  The hooks in the jaws of Russia are now dangling right in front of Putin's face (see below), as his troops are now almost on Israel's border.  He is just about ready to take the bait, most likely on the Biblical date of Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6--7th of this year, after the nuclear downfall of the United States, which we have EVERY reason to expect to happen on ELEVEN ELEVEN of this year.           
                              RUSSIA AND IRAN INVADING ISRAEL 
This is an excellent, up-to-date, well-written article about how very close we now are to the Battle of Gog and Magog, with Russia and Iran and their allies invading Israel.  Read very carefully Reason #3 in the below article, as to why Russia is now so actively engaged in Syria.  As I have recently written, I believe this monumental WW3 Battle will take place on Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 6--7, 2015.  My beliefs are based on Scripture, as you can read in this link:
Surely, our time on this earth is almost over.  JESUS IS COMING!  BE READY!

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