Saturday 3 October 2015


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The Turning Point
They declared war this week. War on Jerusalem. War on humanity. War on terrorism. War on Syria. War on God. War on you.
Of course, they didn’t call it war. They called it other things like ‘recognition’ and ‘a flag raising’. They called it ‘support’. But, it doesn’t matter what they call it.
It’s still war.
And, they made their declaration right at the point when Martin Armstrong said was the turning point. And, I believe that this turning point will see all of us lose something.
My hope is that you won’t be losing your life.
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The Turning Point

At 1:19 p.m., on Wednesday, September 30th, they declared war on Jerusalem and war on God. The location was the United Nations, and this declaration of war was the raising of the flag of the PLO for the first time. That flag declares that Jerusalem doesn’t belong to God – and that He is not allowed to give it to the Jewish people. It declares that God’s promises are not eternal, and that He can be defeated.
How foolish.
Now, all of that might not be as readily apparent to you, as it is to me. So let me tell you why, as well as why it is important.

Why Jerusalem

Notice what Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, said, when the Palestinian Flag was raised:
“The day for raising this flag will come soon in Jerusalem, the capital of our Palestinian state”
Every Israeli leader, for decades, has tried to make peace with the Palestinians, but every attempt to make peace has failed over one issue:
The ownership of Jerusalem
Israel even went as far as to offer large areas of Galilee, and they still refused to make peace. They were given every incentive possible, and still, they refused. And, when Israel was forced to stop Palestinians from entering Israel, they still refused to makes peace – even though their war with Israel was destroying their livelihood. But, that didn’t matter to them.
What mattered was Jerusalem.
I’m not sure that the Palestinians even know why Jerusalem is so important. I’m not completely certain, myself – other than God said that it is. And, if God says that something is important, I will always agree that it is.
Lots of people have come to me with theories about why Jerusalem is important. And some of them might be right. But ultimately, what matters is what God says.

God Says That The Jews Get It Back

And God says that the Jews will get it back. Here’s a verse that is one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven years long:
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
 – Luke 21:24
That verse began around February of year 70 and ended on June 7th, 1967.
By noon on June seventh, the laws of Israel reigned supreme over every square inch of Jerusalem.The Israeli flag flew from the spire of the Dome of the Rock. If you broke Israeli law, you went before an Israeli judge and then you went to an Israeli jail. No other law ruled in Jerusalem.
Now, remember the context of that verse. Jesus spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem (v. 6-23), and followed that description with verse 24 (above), but He didn’t stop there. He went on to describe the Last Days and His return (v. 25-27). He then told His disciples to watch for these signs and anticipate His return (v. 28). He then gave the parable of the fig tree, as an example of the signs of the Last Days (v. 29-31).

Not Much Time Left

Then, Jesus said something in verse 31 and 32 that should be like an earthquake in your mind:
So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
Jesus was saying that the period of time between the capture of Jerusalem and His return…
…that period of time…
…would be a generation long.
Please think about that carefully. We are 48 years into the period of time spoken of by Jesus.
How much more time do we have left, before Jesus returns?
Not much.
And please do not tell me that Jerusalem is not controlled by the Jews, or that the Jews really aren’t Jews. I have proved time and time again that such foolishness is not true. And, for those of you who persist with such outright stupidity, I have a few thoughts for you:
If Luke 21:24 hasn’t been fulfilled, why are the gentiles fighting so hard to get it back?
Seriously, folks. Look at how hard everyone is struggling to get their hands on Jerusalem. In fact, billions of dollars have been wasted, and Jerusalem is still under the control of the Jewish people.
And, what happened on Wednesday was yet another declaration of war against Jerusalem.


The Vatican Flag Goes Up

But, notice something else:
The flag on the right is Palestinian. The one on the left is...
The flag on the right is Palestinian. The one on the left is…
You might not know whose flag flew next to the Palestinian flag on Wednesday, so let me provide a clue:
Pope Franky embraces Palestine
Pope Franky embraces Palestine
Yup, it’s Pope Franky’s flag. And, it is entirely appropriate that it would fly next to the Palestinian one, because the Vatican acknowledged Palestine as a State in June.
And yeah, those two look perfect for each other.

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