Friday 9 October 2015


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The Heart of Darkness
We turned a corner last week. As bad as things were up to that turning point, they will get worse and worse over the coming weeks and months. Some of the difficulties that lie ahead will be natural – the kinds of things that human civilization has faced for thousands of years. But, only some.
Why only some?
Because there is a force at work in the minds of those with power, wealth and influence. It is a heart of darkness that has given allegiance to the prince and power of the air –Satan. If you ignore the fact of his control, you will be blind to the direction that our civilization is being pushed towards.
So, let’s look at this heart of darkness.
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The Heart of Darkness

I spend the vast majority of my time doing research and analysis of events. It’s a good thing to do, because current events tend to point to future ones. But, there’s a problem with that:
The events that we see, are only the surface of reality.
If you want to know what’s REALLY going on, you must dig deeper. Of course, the ultimate guide for that is the Bible. If you are reading THAT, you actually have all the depth that you really need.
So, I guess that what I’m about to tell you isn’t completely necessary. But, there comes a moment in time when you realize that there might be some of you that need some concrete examples of what is going on, that actually illustrate what the Bible is saying.
I believe that this is one of those times.
My thoughts on this were galvanized by an article from Dave Hodges:
Government Sponsored Mind Control Will Soon Eliminate All Free Will
Five years ago, I would have tossed that article aside, because I did not know what I know now. Unfortunately, I cannot toss this article aside, and you shouldn’t either.
Most of you haven’t had much experience with true evil. Most of you probably go through daily life meeting and interacting with people who seem as normal as you. A large part of my life was like that, at least that part of my life before 1992, when I left for Israel.
I won’t go into the experiences that followed, except to say that they prepared me for this book:
The Trance Formation of America
And this book:
Thanks for the Memories
And this one:
Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story
Those three books will change your view of reality forever. Unfortunately, they may also leave emotional scars, so proceed with caution. These are NOT books for children, or thefaint-of-heart.
They reveal a dark and hidden evil that has been at work for decades, and has its roots in a Satanism that has had centuries and millennia to grow.
It has it’s poisonous influence in every part of our lives. It has infected our churches. It has captured the decisions of our leaders. It has guided the content and message of our media. It controls our banks and institutions. And, it has reached into our minds to control our very thoughts.

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