I am proud that my Administration has made advancing the human rights of LGBT individuals a specific focus of our engagement around the world
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Romans 1:26,23 (KJV)
Barack Obama, in his official statement today glorifying the transgender lifestyle, said that he was "proud of the work" his administration had done making "LGBT rights a specific focus" of his presidency. He said this while governors across America are rebelling against his push to
allow transgender men in the same rest room as ten year old little girls.
The Obama Administration
sent a letter, through the Departments of Education and Justice, to schools nationwide that mandates the institutions create bathroom policies that support transgender students. The guidelines are meant to ensure that "transgender students enjoy a supportive and
non-discriminatory school environment," the Obama administration said.
Today he spoke out in support of transgenders around the world.
Statement by the President on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
This is what Obama had to say today about advancing advocacy for transgender and homosexual people:
On May 17, Americans and people around the world mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia by reaffirming the dignity and inherent worth of all people, regardless of who they love or their gender identity.
Our nation is committed to the principle that all people should be treated fairly and with respect. Advancing this goal has long been a cornerstone of American diplomacy, and I am proud that my Administration has made advancing the human rights of LGBT individuals a specific focus of our engagement around the world. I am also proud of the great strides that our nation has made at home in recent years, including that we now have marriage equality as a result of last year’s landmark Supreme Court decision.
At the same time, there is much work to be done to combat homophobia and transphobia, both at home and abroad. In too many places, LGBT individuals grow up forced to conceal or deny who they truly are for fear of persecution, discrimination, and violence. All nations and all communities can, and must, do better. Fortunately, human rights champions and good citizens around the world continue to strive towards this goal every day by lifting up the simple truth that LGBT rights are human rights. The United States honors their work and will continue to support them in their struggle for human dignity. source
If being transgender is now considered a human right, then where does it end? When people want to have sex with animals will that become a human right? Does the
North American Man Boy Love Association qualify for protection under Obama's madness? If 'all love is love', as Obama and the LGBT Mafia keep telling us, then NAMBLA should absolutely come under Federal protection.
The bottom of this pit runs very deep, and it ends in Hell.
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