Friday 19 August 2016


Godzilla Arrives
YOU are being manipulated. I hope that you get that, because if you don’t… nothing on Omega Shock will matter to you. And, the material on this site may make the difference between life and death.
Yes, I know. That sounds melodramatic. But, it’s not.
We are in the Last Days. Without the Truth, survival will be ultimately impossible. You must have the Truth, or perish. But, there’s good news…
Truth is free, and His name is Jesus Christ. And, the only people that I know, that are truly unmanipulated by the lying liars… are followers of Jesus Christ.
So, if you want to be unmanipulated by the manipulators… accept Jesus Christ as God, your Lord and your Savior. Then, open your Bible and READ IT.

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Godzilla Arrives

My sense of humor has begun to poke its nose out of its burrow and sniff at the world outside. My wife and I are currently Hamster sitting for our adorable niece, and my ability to laugh at the world’s absurdities has been awfully ‘hamster-like’, lately.
By the way, did you know that those cute bundles of fur come from Syria?
Me neither.
Of course, there are other hamsters that might come from other places, but the ‘normal kind’ come from the Middle East.
The one that we are currently taking care has a Chinese name and doesn’t SEEM like a terrorist. So, I can confidently tell you that not everything that comes out of Syria is a terrorist.
Although, if she chews my network cables one more time, I might change my mind.
Oh, and that Chinese name?
Huhr-Baow-Dan – or, Egg over easy.
(We are going to need to talk to our niece about her choice of names.)


Now, you’re not reading this to learn about Hamsters or my sense of humor, so let’s get to this ‘Godzilla’.

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