Thursday 18 August 2016


I Don’t Know How American Christians Would Handle After School Satanist Clubs, But I Can Tell You Something About How Slavic Christians Would


In another disgusting act of blasphemy, satanist groups are now targeting children with after-school devil worshipping clubs: Taking advantage of a United States Supreme Court ruling from 2001 holding that schools that have a “limited public forum” open to after school Christian clubs can not discriminate against other groups looking to use that forum to […]

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ISIS Takes Six Men And Heinously Tortures Them To Death By Slowly Boiling Them In Tar


The evil ISIS government has set the bar again for barbarity, this time taking six men accused of being spied and slowly boiling them to death in tar: Six people have been put to death by Isis – by being immersed in boiling vats of tar, it’s been reported. The gruesome act was carried […]

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Rampaging Muslim Marauders Swarm Christian Village And Hack 51 Christians To Pieces With Machetes In Bloody Massacre


This is not the first time this has happened in this area. Earlier this year Muslims did the same thing in a nearby area, but this marks the worst massacre yet as these Muslims rebels fight against the government trying to establish their own state: “Our team on the ground has counted 51 bodies slain […]

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“Allahu Akbar, Europe Is Ours!” Chilling Cell Phone Video On Facebook Exposes The Reality Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe


A few hours ago, received another harassment notice from Facebook about Ted’s article on Donald Trump’s comments about Hillary and ISIS. We were told it was “offensive content.” However, it didn’t take me too long to find something that was real. Which is the video you are about to see. This was recently taken from […]

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