Friday 26 August 2016


The End Times Forecaster

Posted: 25 Aug 2016 09:17 AM PDT
Super Station 95 image
Tensions are escalating at an alarming rate in the Middle East. It has just been reported that Turkey with US air support has invaded Syria. Russia has warned that any invasion of Syria would be considered an act of war, which it is, and would be retaliated against.
This situation definitely bears watching especially in light of the recent Syria—Russia—Iran—Gog alliance that has formed. Also keep in mind that several European countries have urged their citizens to stockpile food.
And let’s not forget about the constant North Korean threats that one day will go live. Remember the plan calls for a "hair raising nuclear confrontation" with North Korea. North Korea has also stated that if we have our US--South Korea war games that they will retaliate. The war games--Ulchi Freedom--started on 8/22/2016.
Just received this from Daniel Matson; (Note: Daniel is pre-trib in his beliefs.)
Dear Readers,
Someone contacted me with the following information regarding the 6.4 earthquake in Italy.
Pope Francis became Pope on March 13, 2013. 1260 days later is today (August 24) and the day of the earthquake. 2016 is also 1260 years after the Donation of Pepin in 756 AD that broadened the rule of the Popes from Rome.
"The Donation of Pepin in 756 provided a legal basis for the erection of the Papal States, which extended the temporal rule of the Popes beyond the traditional duchy of Rome." Wikipedia.
Just something to think about and I am not moving to any other conclusions on Italy...
There is also another important item that has occurred on August 24. Turkey invaded Syria on the 500th anniversary of the Ottoman's doing the same in an attempt to restore the Caliphate.
If Erdogan is up on his anniversaries, then the 500th anniversary of taking Jerusalem for the Ottoman Turks is 2017. We shall see what this year brings...

This Saturday is also the nearest of the five conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus (2014-2017), which will be seen in the western sky just after sunset.
360 days later is the total solar eclipse across the whole USA centered on Christian County, Kentucky on August 21, 2017. The next 40 days is the Season of Repentance 2017.
400 days later is therefore the Day of Atonement 2017.
444 days later is the next Jupiter and Venus conjunction on November 13, 2017. November 19, 2017 is 2,520 days before the Day of Atonement 2024.
2,999 days later is November 11, 2024, which is 30 days after the Day of Atonement 2024. November 11th is the anniversary end of World War l. This would be Day 1290 from the middle of the Tribulation. 1290 days prior to this conjunction was the chelyabinsk meteor.
"Coincidence is God's way of being anonymous"
Daniel Matson
Jesus told us that towards the end of the world this would be the case, wars and rumors of war. He also told us to not fear these things—they must occur.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Mt 24:6
Have you prepared for the end times?
34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.Luke 21: 34-36.
There are some things that you can do to prepare for the end times. The Coming Epiphany is an easy to understand end time Bible prophecy book that will help you to not only understand what is coming, but also to prepare for it. Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of The Coming Epiphanytoday.
Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read a short message entitled God’s Gift of Salvation to find out what you must do to be saved.
There is secret information encoded on the dollar bill, including several dates, one of which is the date in which the antichrist may take over the world? ReadThe Dollar Code; Revealing the Secrets Encoded on the Dollar Bill.

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