Friday, 4 March 2022

THE ASSYRIAN MACRON, A POSSIBLE ANTICHRIST, AS HE SEEKS TO BECOME THE WORLD PEACEMAKER - As Russia Bombs Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron Calls For March 10th Meeting To Discuss Creation Of A European Army With Himself As The Leader


New post on Now The End Begins

As Russia Bombs Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron Calls For March 10th Meeting To Discuss Creation Of A European Army With Himself As The Leader

by Geoffrey Grider


The European Union must move towards the creation of an EU army after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has said.

 A man named Hiram Johnson, a Republican senator in California in 1918, is reputed to have once remarked that the "first casualty of war is the truth". This could not be more apparent as we watch the current conflict between Russia and the Ukraine that's generating more conflicting stories than you could possibly imagine. Just yesterday we reported that Russia bombed the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial in Ukraine, a story reported by the Jerusalem Post, the Times of Israel and from the mouth of the Ukranian president himself. Today we see that maybe that was true, maybe it wasn't, maybe it was partially true, and maybe your guess is as good as mine, so take your pick. All that only serves to reinforce my earlier suspicion that this whole thing is a ruse for something else. Something else like maybe the creation of a European Army with Emmanuel Macron as the head of it? Yep, now we're getting somewhere.

"He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit." Proverbs 12:17 (KJB)

We have been reporting to you for quite some time now that Emmanuel Macron's strongest desire is to create a united European Army, a military force that he sees himself at the helm of. How convenient is it now that Russia is providing that opportunity for him to accomplish that goal. I do not trust what we are seeing in the invasion of Ukraine, and as soon as I get my thoughts together I will write about it. No, better yet, tomorrow's Prophecy News Podcast will be on the truth of the current deception they have falsely labeled as WWIII. I believe that World War 3 is indeed coming, but it will come as the other two, through a militarized Germany with Israel in the crosshairs. In the meantime, a European Army is a necessary first step. I am thinking that Macron will have much success in his March 10th meeting, don't you?


Emmanuel Macron steps up EU army plan to deter Russian threat

FROM DNYUZ: The French president said EU leaders would meet to discuss plans to pool military resources on March 10 at a summit in Versailles. Mr Macron supports the creation of an EU army and the plans could lay the groundwork for that force in the future. He has called on the EU to make itself able to act independently of the US and Nato.

Europe had to accept it must “pay the price for peace,” Mr Macron, who condemned Mr Putin’s “lies”, said.

“We cannot let others defend ourselves; whether on land, at sea, under the sea, in the air, in space or in cyberspace,” Mr Macron said in a televised speech on Wednesday night. He added “Our European defence must take a new step”.

Plans for a 5,000 strong EU rapid response force, which could be deployed to crisis zones around the world are expected to be discussed at the defence summit. Measures to boost interoperability between national militaries, increase pooled research funding, and defence spending initiatives favouring European companies are also likely to be on the table. Mr Macron said he would continue talking to Mr Putin to try and prevent the war spreading. His diplomatic efforts to prevent the invasion, which included a visit to Moscow for talks with Mr Putin, failed to prevent the invasion. The French president had always planned to use France’s six month term as holders of the EU presidency, which began in January, to push through his plans for common defence.

France, as the EU’s largest remaining military power after Brexit, is set to hold an influential leadership role and its companies will benefit from measures to encourage other member states to buy European weapons. Mr Macron secured US President Joe Biden’s support for his plans in the wake of the Aukus row, which saw France miss out on a lucrative submarine contract to the US and UK.

But an EU army is opposed by the Baltic nations, who fear it will undermine Nato. The UK always vetoed moves towards it when it was an EU member for the same reason.  It has always been seen as a distant prospect, due to a lack of political will from member states wary of sending their troops into action under an EU flag. The EU has had battlegroups of 1,500 soldiers standing by since 2007 but they have never been used.

However, the invasion of Ukraine has already triggered a series of hitherto unthinkable policy shifts across Europe.

Pacifist Germany reversed years of Merkel era-defence policy to announce it would hit Nato defence spending targets and revive its under-resourced military.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Berlin would more than the Nato target of 2 per cent of GDP “from now on – year after year” and pledged an immediate £84bn, which is more than double Germany’s defence budget last year. The European Union, which styles itself as a “peace project”  has also taken the unprecedented step of using its budget to finance the supply of weapons to the Ukrainian army.

On Tuesday, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said EU defence policy had moved forward more in “the last six days than in the last six years”.

“If Putin was seeking to weaken the EU, to divide Nato,” she said, “he has achieved the exact opposite.”

Mrs von der Leyen has called for European defence to “step up to the next level” after the fall of Afghanistan and now the war in Ukraine. READ MORE

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