Saturday 17 October 2015


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Deadly Delusions
The misinformation and disinformation that swirls around us has been designed to entrap and enslave us to an agenda that will lead to our death and destruction. Satan is the author of it all, and it is aimed directly at the Body of Christ…
…and, you.
Lucifer is the father of lies, and he has been churning out his best lies for centuries, in anticipation of the showdown that we are about to experience.
This is why the truth will always be hard to see, and hard to understand – when you see it. So, hold the truth close.
It is only through faith in our Lord and Savior and the direction of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God – that we have any hope of escaping the disbelief that destroys those around us.
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Deadly Delusions

I am often inspired by the comments that I get from Omega Shock readers. Those that challenge me to prove what I’m saying… well …those are often the best kinds of comments. Others offer their own insights and give additional information that I often miss.
Those are just a few of the many reasons why I treat comments here so seriously. And, you will find that this article contains more than a couple of inputs from readers like you.
So, let’s get into that.
It has been said that Satan’s greatest deception was to convince us that he doesn’t exist. There’s a lot of truth to that, because I have found myself often thinking about evil as just another manifestation of our own sinful inclinations. Unfortunately, evil is far, far more than that.
Yes Virginia, there really is a Devil. He really hates you, and he is doing everything in his power to destroy you.
However, Satan is doing his very best to hide all of that from you. If he can’t get you to believe in his non-existence, he will try to minimize what you think about him. He will try to obscure your ability to see the work of his minions. He will distort your senses, while trying to get you to stay away from the pure light of the Word.
He is a true artist at deception. No one and nothing is better at deceiving you, than Satan. There is no vileness that is too low. There is no corruption too foul.
Think of the worst possible sins, and you can bet that his minions have been doing it for thousands of years. And now, he has technology to aid his efforts. And, it is vital that you understand all that.
According to, more than 70% of you are living in the United States. I grew up in Indiana and lived there until I was 25. So, I know what living in the US is like. But, having lived in Asia for twenty years, I also know that life in America is completely unreal.

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