Friday 16 October 2015

Iran Posts Video Of Secret Underground Military Base Filled With Missiles!!

New post on Now The End Begins

Iran Posts Video Of Secret Underground Military Base Filled With Missiles

by Geoffrey Grider

"This is a sample of our massive missile bases," he said, adding that "a new and advanced generation of long-range liquid and solid fuel missiles" will replace the current weapons in 2016.

"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV)
EDITOR'S NOTE: While Obama has kept the world distracted with the pursuit of "peace in our time", Iran has been busy doing what Iran has said all along they have been doing, building a massive nuclear-capable, intercontinental ballistic missile system. When Hitler took Polandand Czechoslovakia in 1939, the hypocritical world leaders were "shocked" at Germany's aggression, even though Hitler had broadcast for the preceding decade what his plans were. In 2015, Iran is about to make good on the threats they have been spewing out for the last 20 years. While Obama touts the "benefits" of his Iranian Nuclear Treaty, Iran is openly mocking us and warning us to get ready for the coming attacks. And we are not listening. All we can hear is "peace in our time". (cue the bombs, fade to black)
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has revealed a video of a secret military base consisting of numerous underground tunnels. The exact location is unknown but the base is thought to be one of many similar setups situated in Iran
For the first time ever, Iranian television has broadcast footage of a secret underground tunnel, stocked with missile and launcher units. Officials have said it is one of several such bases in the Islamic republic.
Located at a depth of 500 meters under the mountains, the footage shows a very long tunnel which appears to be about 10 meters high. It is one of many missile bases in Iran, according to the Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Republic's Revolutionary Guards' aerospace division.
"The Islamic republic's long-range missile bases are stationed and ready under the high mountains in all the country's provinces and cities," he said as quoted by the Guards' website.

History Repeats Itself With Iran's Nuclear Deal

Pusillanimous president Barack Obama is nothing more than the modern-day Muslim version of Neville Chamberlain. 
"This is a sample of our massive missile bases," he said, adding that "a new and advanced generation of long-range liquid and solid fuel missiles" will replace the current weapons in 2016.
He issued a warning to anyone who might threaten Iran by suggesting that they had better “have a look at the Islamic republic's army options under the table.source

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